Every project is planned and delivered with the tailored approach. Some projects can be as simple as hanging a chandelier. Those projects are usually charged on an hourly basis ($120/hour)
Other projects can be intricate and sizable commercial projects. We will provide an estimate of cost that you can compare with others before you hire us.
We take safety seriously at Mountain Coast Electric. A safe decision only takes a few seconds to make. We approach our work with all the necessary precautions and you can trust us to do your job safely.
We take all CDC recommended precautions. We wear masks, gloves and sanitize our tools after each job. We also plan to take the COVID vaccine as soon as it is available to essential workers.
Our range of service is very diverse. We have many years of both commercial and residential experience. We also have HVAC controls, fire alarm and low voltage experience. The chances are – if you need it done – we can do it.